From the age of 16 onwards every individual receiving some aspect of health and social care has the right to dictate what kind of support they are given. As our company ethos is providing completely person-centred, tailor-made packages, our priority is meeting every person’s wishes in all areas of their support.
Sometimes it may be that the individual’s wishes are not in their best interests and could be potentially unsafe or unbeneficial to them. In this instance there are several processes we can follow to ensure that the person’s requests and desires are adhered to as much as possible but that these do not result in their being put at risk, without breaching their basis human rights or taking away their freedom of choice.
Tools that allow us to do this are:
- Best interest decisions
- Mental Capacity Assessments
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
- Community Treatment Orders
- Guardianships
- Section 117 Terms of Release
- Conditions of Probation issued by the Court of Protection
All of these procedures are followed and implemented by inexhaustible multiple disciplinary teams of people that may include social workers, psychiatric staff, psychologists, family members, advocates and various other professionals.
When codes of practice are used that involve limiting a person’s liberty or choices all decisions made on their behalf are strictly in line with The Mental Health Act 1983 and 2007 and The Mental Capacity Act 2005.