The core team of people who have established the services at Clock Tower Park from the very beginning have a combined experience of over 80 years within the Social Care and Children’s Service industry.
Each individual has specialist areas in which they have developed excellent skills well beyond the expected standards of governing bodies.
Some of these topics include Medication, Mental Health Conditions, Psychology, Mental Health Act, person centred care planning and risk assessment, challenging behaviour, Autism, Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, staff supervision and development, health and safety risk assessment, activity packages, client finances and management of personnel documents.
The team has worked together for over a decade so have an excellent rapport, have built professional relationships based on trust, and have good understanding of one another’s strengths and working practices.
The more experienced members have developed and trained the newer staff themselves, instilling their own high standards, ethics and knowledge into trainees from the beginning.
Wings Care employs highly competent staff that has opportunity to continually learn, develop and gather rich information under experienced professionals that were trained in the same way themselves.
The core staff team are also highly experienced in sourcing person specific assistive technology which is included in packages wherever required.