Our Focus

The company’s main focus is providing 24 hour personal care within a residential setting to adults aged 16-65.

These individuals will have varying conditions as described below:

Learning Disability

A condition obtained at or before birth causing the individual to have a markedly lower than average IQ and underdeveloped cognitive, communication and behavioural skills. Learning disability is measured on a scale varying from mild to severe and covers conditions such as downs syndrome, autistic spectrum disorder/aspergers, cerebral palsy and spina bifida. The severity of the disability dictates whether or not the individual has an insight and understanding of their illness. Some sufferers of learning disability can function quite highly and independently within the community with minimal outside support but those at lower levels may require 24 hour care.

Mental Health Conditions

An illness developed after birth, usually in young adulthood or adolescence that impairs the individual’s thinking and emotional balance. The most common conditions are schizophrenia, schizo-afftective disorder, personality disorder, bipolar and depression. Those with a diagnosis of mental illness may suffer from psychosis, hallucinations and delusions (Loss of reality and seeing or hearing things that aren’t there) but this is normally only in very severe cases. Mental illness fluctuates and can be controlled extremely successfully by therapy and medication but individuals may experience relapses at any time. Again, severity directly affects a person’s acceptability of their diagnosis but individuals are often observed to have insight into their illness during bouts of good health but may display denial or poor understanding during or leading up to relapse.

Dual Diagnosis

When an individual has a diagnosis of both learning disability and mental health illness. An individual could also develop a mental illness after obtaining an acquired brain injury. A sufferer of mental health illness may use substances to dull their symptoms to such an extent that they acquire a brain injury that way.


An individual with a criminal background and previous convictions. They may be obligated under the terms of a Community Treatment Order or Section 117 of the Mental Health Act after release from psychiatric hospital and are deemed to require living within certain restrictions. An example could be a service user that has historically committed arson during a relapse of schizophrenia but is currently fully supported by staff and has their condition controlled by medication.

Acquired Brain Injury

An illness caused by an event that has occurred after birth including traumatic head injury, brain tumour, stroke and substance related psychosis (over consumption of alcohol or drugs leading to brain damage). It can affect the individual in many ways and to various degrees altering one or several of the following – moods, memory, coordination, mobility, living skills, cognitive thinking, communication skills, and sensory ability (hearing, eyesight etc). The trauma of losing essential life skills and abilities can lead to the individual requiring a great deal of emotional support alongside the treatment of their initial injuries.